Tradeinvest Timor Leste

Dili, 23 June 2021

Today, 23 June 2021, TradeInvest organized two consecutive meeting, firstly, a technical meeting with the relevant entities composed by the office of Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Territory, the office of Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs , Director General of The External Resources Management and Mobilization, National Director of Public and Private Partnership Unit to discuss about the investment proposal submitted by Metro Link, Lda.

The company planned to invest in the submarine cable within the sector of telecomunication and wanted to draw a connection from Alor island (Indonesia) to Timor-Leste.

Followed by another technical meeting with the permanent and ad-hoc members of KAIPE (Evaluation Commision for Private Investment and Export) to discuss the implementation progress of Tibar port investment.



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